Thursday, January 10, 2019

We took off on and adventure today January 10, 2019 with the high hopes of making it to the Sibley Mansion just east of Mammoth, AZ.  I got to meet Ian, a friend of my friend Garry. Ian is a better rider than I am on the dirt but could use a pointer or two of where to put his kickstand.  :)  :)

The first five pictures are from Garry's camera. That his yellow Tenere, and myself on the other side of the river.

Ian doesn't fall too often so Garry took a lot of pictures just to make it look like he did. This is still the kickstand in the sand thing.

I'm not sure if the video will run.

We are riding into Copper Creek canyon just east of Mammoth

Beautiful scenery, some snow up high, and nice bikes.

Garry enjoying the smooth road.......things are about to change!

The water has cut a narrow channel through that rock.

Copper Creek flows about 6 months per year.

Ian turned around and was coming back to check on the two slow guys.

A slightly different shot of the same canyon

So far the shelf road has been decent.

All three bikes together.

There are a multitude of mines in the area, some abandoned, some still in operation.

From this point on the road will be a lot more challenging!

I had just ridden through a rough area, dropped my bike and was completely exhausted!

I'm trying to decide if maybe I'm getting too old for this.

This wasn't even the deep part, but hey, I'm still smiling.

Time for a little break.

Yes, that's the road. It is also where we had to turn around. Ian was able to make it about another 1/4 mile but even he had to give up.

Another of the many mines.

Our attempt to find a different route back to town.

Sometimes they try to fool you with these signs.

This time they weren't fooling. :(

Garry caught a rut!

Always the Ham!  :) :) :)

They must have found at least a little copper.

Sometimes it's a rather small rock that will deflect you into a deep rut.

Aliens buying Alien Food. :)